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Hello-World Consumer Contracts

This is a foundry project that implements a simple Consumer contract, SaysGm.

This readme explains how to compile and deploy the contract to the Infernet Anvil Testnet network. For a detailed tutorial on how to write a consumer contract, refer to the tutorial doc.


Ensure that you are running the following scripts with the Infernet Anvil Testnet network. The tutorial at the root of this repository explains how to bring up an infernet node.

Installing the libraries

forge install

Compiling the contracts

forge compile

Deploying the contracts

The deploy script at script/Deploy.s.sol deploys the SaysGM contract to the Infernet Anvil Testnet network.

We have the following make target to deploy the contract. Refer to the Makefile for more understanding around the deploy scripts.

make deploy

Requesting a job

We also have a script called CallContract.s.sol that requests a job to the SaysGM contract. Refer to the script for more details. Similar to deployment, you can run that script using the following convenience make target.

make call-contract

Refer to the Makefile for more details.