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Running a Torch Model on Infernet

Welcome to this comprehensive guide where we'll explore how to run a pytorch model on Infernet. If you've followed our ONNX example, you'll find this guide to be quite similar.

Model: This example uses a pre-trained model to classify iris flowers. The code for the model is located at the simple-ml-models repository.


For this tutorial you'll need to have the following installed.

  1. Docker
  2. Foundry

Ensure docker & foundry exist

To check for docker, run the following command in your terminal:

docker --version
# Docker version 25.0.2, build 29cf629 (example output)

You'll also need to ensure that docker-compose exists in your terminal:

which docker-compose
# /usr/local/bin/docker-compose (example output)

To check for foundry, run the following command in your terminal:

forge --version
# forge 0.2.0 (551bcb5 2024-02-28T07:40:42.782478000Z) (example output)

Clone the starter repository

If you haven't already, clone the infernet-container-starter repository. All of the code for this tutorial is located under the projects/torch-iris directory.

# Clone locally
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ritual-net/infernet-container-starter
# Navigate to the repository
cd infernet-container-starter

Build the torch-iris container

From the top-level directory of this repository, simply run the following command to build the torch-iris container:

make build-container project=torch-iris

After the container is built, you can deploy an infernet-node that utilizes that container by running the following command:

make deploy-container project=torch-iris

Making Inference Requests via Node API (a la Web2 request)

Now, you can make inference requests to the infernet-node. In a new tab, run:

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"containers":["torch-iris"], "data": {"input": [[1.0380048, 0.5586108, 1.1037828, 1.712096]]}}'

You should get an output similar to the following:

  "id": "6d5e47f0-5907-4ab2-9523-862dccb80d67"

Now, you can check the status of the job by running (make sure job id matches the one you got from the previous request):

curl ""

Should return:

    "id": "6d5e47f0-5907-4ab2-9523-862dccb80d67",
    "result": {
      "container": "torch-iris",
      "output": {
        "input_data": [
        "input_shapes": [
        "output_data": [
    "status": "success"

Note Regarding the Input

The inputs provided above correspond to an iris flower with the following characteristics. Refer to the

  1. Sepal Length: 5.5cm
  2. Sepal Width: 2.4cm
  3. Petal Length: 3.8cm
  4. Petal Width: 1.1cm

Putting this input into a vector and scaling it, we get the following scaled input:

[1.0380048, 0.5586108, 1.1037828, 1.712096]

Refer to this function in the model's repository for more information on how the input is scaled.

For more context on the Iris dataset, refer to the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Making Inference Requests via Contracts (a la Web3 request)

The contracts directory contains a simple forge project that can be used to interact with the Infernet Node.

Here, we have a very simple contract, IrisClassifier, that requests a compute job from the Infernet Node and then retrieves the result. We are going to make the same request as above, but this time using a smart contract. Since floats are not supported in Solidity, we convert all floats to uint256 by multiplying the input vector entries by 1e6:

        uint256[] memory iris_data = new uint256[](4);
iris_data[0] = 1_038_004;
iris_data[1] = 558_610;
iris_data[2] = 1_103_782;
iris_data[3] = 1_712_096;

We have multiplied the input by 1e6 to have enough decimals accuracy. This can be seen here in the contract's code.

Infernet's Anvil Testnet

To request an on-chain job, you'll need to deploy contracts using the infernet sdk. We already have a public anvil node docker image which has the corresponding infernet sdk contracts deployed, along with a node that has registered itself to listen to on-chain subscription events.

  • Coordinator Address: 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3
  • Node Address: 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 (This is the second account in the anvil's accounts.)

Monitoring the EVM Logs

The infernet node configuration for this project includes our anvil node. You can monitor the logs of the anvil node to see what's going on. In a new terminal, run:

docker logs -f anvil-node

As you deploy the contract and make requests, you should see logs indicating the requests and responses.

Deploying the Contract

Simply run the following command to deploy the contract:

project=torch-iris make deploy-contracts

In your anvil logs you should see the following:


    Transaction: 0x8e7e96d0a062285ee6fea864c43c29af65b962d260955e6284ab79dae145b32c
    Contract created: 0x663f3ad617193148711d28f5334ee4ed07016602
    Gas used: 725947

    Block Number: 1
    Block Hash: 0x88c1a1af024cca6f921284bd61663b1d500aa6d22d06571f0a085c2d8e1ffe92
    Block Time: "Mon, 19 Feb 2024 16:44:00 +0000"


beautiful, we can see that a new contract has been created at 0x663f3ad617193148711d28f5334ee4ed07016602. That's the address of the IrisClassifier contract. We are now going to call this contract. To do so, we are using the CallContract.s.sol script. Note that the address of the contract is hardcoded in the script, and should match the address we see above. Since this is a test environment and we're using a test deployer address, this address is quite deterministic and shouldn't change. Otherwise, change the address in the script to match the address of the contract you just deployed.

Calling the Contract

To call the contract, run the following command:

project=torch-iris make call-contract

In the anvil logs, you should see the following:


_____  _____ _______ _    _         _
|  __ \|_   _|__   __| |  | |  /\   | |
| |__) | | |    | |  | |  | | /  \  | |
|  _  /  | |    | |  | |  | |/ /\ \ | |
| | \ \ _| |_   | |  | |__| / ____ \| |____
|_|  \_\_____|  |_|   \____/_/    \_\______|

about to decode babyyy
predictions: (adjusted by 6 decimals, 1_000_000 = 100%, 1_000 = 0.1%)
Setosa:  1669
Versicolor:  21144
Virginica:  977185

    Transaction: 0x252158ab9dd2178b6a11e417090988782861d208d8e9bb01c4e0635316fd95c9
    Gas used: 111762

    Block Number: 3
    Block Hash: 0xfba07bd65da8dde644ba07ff67f0d79ed36f388760f27dcf02d96f7912d34c4c
    Block Time: "Mon, 19 Feb 2024 16:54:07 +0000"


Beautiful! We can see that the same result has been posted to the contract.

For more information about the container, consult the container's readme.

Next Steps

From here, you can bring your own trained pytorch model, and with minimal changes, you can make it both work with an infernet-node as well as a smart contract.

More Information

  1. Check out our ONNX example if you haven't already.
  2. Infernet Callback Consumer Tutorial
  3. Infernet Nodes Docoumentation
  4. Infernet-Compatible Containers