mirror of
synced 2024-11-04 22:49:10 +03:00
113 lines
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Executable File
113 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import re
import os
import json
import argparse
def restart_service(skip_restart=False, history=False):
if not skip_restart and not history:
subprocess.Popen(["systemctl", "restart", "wb-mqtt-serial"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def parse_config_file(filename):
with open(filename, "r") as file:
config_data = json.load(file)
device_to_port = {}
device_stats = {}
for port in config_data["ports"]:
for device in port["devices"]:
device_to_port[device["slave_id"]] = port["path"]
device_stats[device["slave_id"]] = {"type": device.get("device_type", "Unknown type"), "errors": 0, "disconnects": 0, "write_failures": 0, "invalid_crc_errors": 0} # New line
return device_to_port, device_stats
def parse_journal(device_to_port, device_stats, skip_lines=10, history=False):
cmd = ["journalctl", "-f", "-u", "wb-mqtt-serial"] if not history else ["journalctl", "-u", "wb-mqtt-serial"]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
last_log_line = None
line_counter = 0
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
line_counter += 1
if line_counter <= skip_lines:
line = line.decode('utf-8') # convert bytes to string
match_error = re.search(r'modbus:(\d+): Serial protocol error: request timed out', line)
match_disconnect = re.search(r'INFO: \[serial device\] device modbus:(\d+) is disconnected', line)
match_write_failure = re.search(r'WARNING: \[modbus\] failed to write: <modbus:(\d+):', line)
match_invalid_crc = re.search(r'modbus:(\d+): Serial protocol error: malformed response: invalid crc', line) # New line
if match_error:
device_number = match_error.group(1)
device_stats[device_number]["errors"] += 1
elif match_disconnect:
device_number = match_disconnect.group(1)
device_stats[device_number]["disconnects"] += 1
elif match_write_failure:
device_number = match_write_failure.group(1)
device_stats[device_number]["write_failures"] += 1
elif match_invalid_crc: # New line
device_number = match_invalid_crc.group(1)
device_stats[device_number]["invalid_crc_errors"] += 1 # New line
last_log_line = line
print(f"Last log line: {last_log_line}")
print_error_statistics(device_stats, device_to_port)
def print_table(headers, data):
col_widths = [
max(len(str(x)) for x in col)
for col in zip(*data, headers)
row_format = "| " + " | ".join("{:<" + str(width) + "}" for width in col_widths) + " |"
print("+-" + "-+-".join("-" * width for width in col_widths) + "-+")
print("+-" + "-+-".join("-" * width for width in col_widths) + "-+")
for row in data:
print("+-" + "-+-".join("-" * width for width in col_widths) + "-+")
def print_error_statistics(device_stats, device_to_port):
print("\n--- Error Statistics ---")
sorted_device_stats = sorted(device_stats.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1]["errors"], x[1]["disconnects"], x[1]["write_failures"], x[1]["invalid_crc_errors"]), reverse=True)
headers = ["Type", "Port", "ID", "Timeouts", "Disconnects", "Write Failures", "CRC Errors"]
data = []
for device, stats in sorted_device_stats:
device_port = device_to_port.get(device, "Unknown port").replace("/dev/tty", "")
type_field = stats['type']
error_field = str(stats['errors'])
disconnect_field = str(stats['disconnects'])
write_failure_field = str(stats['write_failures'])
invalid_crc_errors_field = str(stats['invalid_crc_errors'])
data.append([type_field, device_port, device, error_field, disconnect_field, write_failure_field, invalid_crc_errors_field])
print_table(headers, data)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-H", "--history", help="parse historical data from journal", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--skip-service-restart", help="skip service restart", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
restart_service(skip_restart=args.skip_service_restart, history=args.history)
device_to_port, device_stats = parse_config_file("/mnt/data/etc/wb-mqtt-serial.conf")
parse_journal(device_to_port, device_stats, history=args.history)