2024-06-06 13:18:48 -04:00

72 lines
2.7 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause-Clear
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {console2} from "forge-std/console2.sol";
import {CallbackConsumer} from "infernet-sdk/consumer/Callback.sol";
contract IrisClassifier is CallbackConsumer {
string private EXTREMELY_COOL_BANNER = "\n\n"
"_____ _____ _______ _ _ _\n"
"| __ \\|_ _|__ __| | | | /\\ | |\n"
"| |__) | | | | | | | | | / \\ | |\n"
"| _ / | | | | | | | |/ /\\ \\ | |\n"
"| | \\ \\ _| |_ | | | |__| / ____ \\| |____\n"
"|_| \\_\\_____| |_| \\____/_/ \\_\\______|\n\n";
constructor(address registry) CallbackConsumer(registry) {}
function classifyIris() public {
/// @dev Iris data is in the following format:
/// @dev [sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width]
/// @dev the following vector corresponds to the following properties:
/// "sepal_length": 5.5cm
/// "sepal_width": 2.4cm
/// "petal_length": 3.8cm
/// "petal_width": 1.1cm
/// @dev The data is normalized & scaled.
/// refer to [this function in the model's repository](https://github.com/ritual-net/simple-ml-models/blob/03ebc6fb15d33efe20b7782505b1a65ce3975222/iris_classification/iris_inference_pytorch.py#L13)
/// for more info on normalization.
/// @dev The data is adjusted by 6 decimals
uint256[] memory iris_data = new uint256[](4);
iris_data[0] = 1_038_004;
iris_data[1] = 558_610;
iris_data[2] = 1_103_782;
iris_data[3] = 1_712_096;
1, // redundancy
address(0), // paymentToken
0, // paymentAmount
address(0), // wallet
address(0) // prover
function _receiveCompute(
uint32 subscriptionId,
uint32 interval,
uint16 redundancy,
address node,
bytes calldata input,
bytes calldata output,
bytes calldata proof,
bytes32 containerId,
uint256 index
) internal override {
(bytes memory raw_output, bytes memory processed_output) = abi.decode(output, (bytes, bytes));
(uint256[] memory classes) = abi.decode(raw_output, (uint256[]));
uint256 setosa = classes[0];
uint256 versicolor = classes[1];
uint256 virginica = classes[2];
console2.log("predictions: (adjusted by 6 decimals, 1_000_000 = 100%, 1_000 = 0.1%)");
console2.log("Setosa: ", setosa);
console2.log("Versicolor: ", versicolor);
console2.log("Virginica: ", virginica);