import os from builtins import str from pathlib import Path from typing import Union, cast, Any, Callable import gradio as gr # type: ignore from dotenv import load_dotenv from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient # type: ignore load_dotenv() TGI_SERVICE_URL = os.getenv("TGI_SERVICE_URL") HF_API_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_API_TOKEN") client = InferenceClient(model=TGI_SERVICE_URL) def start_interface( lambdafn: Callable[[str, list[str]], Any], examples: list[str], title: str, description: str, share: bool = True, height: int = 300, placeholder: str = "Chat with me!", scale: int = 7, container: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Starts the Gradio interface for the Jazz model. Args: lambdafn (callable): text_generation lambda fn with message, history examples (list[str]): A list of example inputs for the interface. title (str): The gradio title. description (str): The gradio description. share (bool): Whether to generate a global gradio link for 72 hours. height (int): Height of chat window in pixels. placeholder (str): Placeholder when chat window is empty. scale (int): The scale of the chat window. container (bool): Show the chat window in a container. """ gr.ChatInterface( lambdafn, chatbot=gr.Chatbot(height=height), textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder=placeholder, container=container, scale=scale), description=description, title=title, examples=examples, retry_btn="Retry", undo_btn="Undo", clear_btn="Clear", ).queue().launch(share=share, server_name="") def read_text_file(file_path: Union[Path, str]) -> str: """Reads content from file as a string.""" with open(file_path, "r") as file: return def main() -> None: cwd = os.getcwd() PROMPT_FILE_PATH: str = cast(str, os.getenv("PROMPT_FILE_PATH")) if not PROMPT_FILE_PATH: raise ValueError("PROMPT_FILE_PATH is not set in the environment.") input_text = read_text_file(os.path.join(cwd, PROMPT_FILE_PATH)) def prompt_formatter(user_prompt: str, input_text: str) -> str: return user_prompt # You should write your own lambdafn to set the parameters # Gradio doesn't currently support functions with more than # [message,history] as parameters into the interface # if you don't want the user to see them. def stream_inference(message: str, history: list[str]) -> Any: response = client.text_generation( prompt_formatter(message, input_text), max_new_tokens=40, temperature=0.3, details=True, ).generated_text # this is just for the gradio front end, you can ignore for # backend in the ML model for strikethroughs. if response.startswith(""): response = response[3:] yield response title = "Your Ritual Model🎷" description = "This is the demo for your model." # if you want a global url others can visit. share = True examples = ["Can shrimp actually fry rice?"] start_interface( lambdafn=stream_inference, title=title, description=description, share=share, examples=examples, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()