# GPT4 Example Contracts This is a minimalist foundry project that implements a [callback consumer](https://docs.ritual.net/infernet/sdk/consumers/Callback) that makes a prompt to the [container](../container/README.md), which then makes a call to OpenAI's GPT4. For an end-to-end flow of how this works, follow the [guide here](../gpt4.md). ## Deploying The [`Deploy.s.sol`](./script/Deploy.s.sol) deploys the contracts. The [Makefile](./Makefile) in this project containes a utility deploy target. ```bash make deploy ``` ## Prompting The [`CallContract.s.sol`](./script/CallContract.s.sol) calls the [`promptGPT`](./src/PromptsGPT.sol#L10) function. The [Makefile](./Makefile) in this project contains a utility call target. You'll need to pass in the prompt as an env var. ```bash make call-contract prompt="What is 2 * 3?" ```