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# TGI Inference with Mistral-7b
In this tutorial we are going to use [Huggingface's TGI (Text Generation Interface)](https://huggingface.co/docs/text-generation-inference/en/index) to run an arbitrary LLM model
and enable users to requests jobs form it, both on-chain and off-chain.
## Install Pre-requisites
For this tutorial you'll need to have the following installed.
1. [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
2. [Foundry](https://book.getfoundry.sh/getting-started/installation)
## Setting up a TGI LLM Service
Included with this tutorial, is a [containerized llm service](./tgi). We're going to deploy this service on a powerful
machine with access to GPU.
### Rent a GPU machine
To run this service, you will need to have access to a machine with a powerful GPU. In the video above, we use an
A100 instance on [Paperspace](https://www.paperspace.com/).
### Install docker
You will have to install docker.
For Ubuntu, you can run the following commands:
```bash copy
# install docker
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
As docker installation may vary depending on your operating system, consult the
[official documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) for more information.
After installation, you can verify that docker is installed by running:
# sudo docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker!
### Ensure CUDA is installed
Depending on where you rent your GPU machine, CUDA is typically pre-installed. For Ubuntu, you can follow the
instructions [here](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#prepare-ubuntu).
You can verify that CUDA is installed by running:
```bash copy
# verify Installation
python -c '
import torch
print("torch.cuda.is_available()", torch.cuda.is_available())
print("torch.cuda.device_count()", torch.cuda.device_count())
print("torch.cuda.current_device()", torch.cuda.current_device())
print("torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)", torch.cuda.get_device_name(0))
If CUDA is installed and available, your output will look similar to the following:
torch.cuda.is_available() True
torch.cuda.device_count() 1
torch.cuda.current_device() 0
torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB
### Ensure `nvidia-container-runtime` is installed
For your container to be able to access the GPU, you will need to install the `nvidia-container-runtime`.
On Ubuntu, you can run the following commands:
```bash copy
# Docker GPU support
# nvidia container-runtime repos
# https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-container-runtime/
curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-container-runtime/gpgkey | \
sudo apt-key add - distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-container-runtime/$distribution/nvidia-container-runtime.list | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-runtime.list
sudo apt-get update
# install nvidia-container-runtime
# https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/resource_constraints/#gpu
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-runtime
As always, consult the [official documentation](https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-container-runtime/) for more
You can verify that `nvidia-container-runtime` is installed by running:
```bash copy
which nvidia-container-runtime-hook
# this should return a path to the nvidia-container-runtime-hook
Now, with the pre-requisites installed, we can move on to setting up the TGI service.
### Clone this repository
```bash copy
# Clone locally
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ritual-net/infernet-container-starter
# Navigate to the repository
cd infernet-container-starter
### Run the Stable Diffusion service
```bash copy
make run-service project=tgi-llm service=tgi
This will start the `tgi` service. Note that this service will have to download a large model file,
so it may take a few minutes to be fully ready. Downloaded model will get cached, so subsequent runs will be faster.
## Testing the `tgi-llm` service via the gradio UI
Included with this project is a simple gradio chat UI that allows you to interact with the `tgi-llm` service. This is
not needed for running the Infernet node, but a nice way to debug and test the TGI service.
### Ensure `docker` & `foundry` exist
To check for `docker`, run the following command in your terminal:
```bash copy
docker --version
# Docker version 25.0.2, build 29cf629 (example output)
You'll also need to ensure that docker-compose exists in your terminal:
```bash copy
which docker-compose
# /usr/local/bin/docker-compose (example output)
To check for `foundry`, run the following command in your terminal:
```bash copy
forge --version
# forge 0.2.0 (551bcb5 2024-02-28T07:40:42.782478000Z) (example output)
### Clone the starter repository
Just like our other examples, we're going to clone this repository. All of the code and instructions for this tutorial
can be found in the [`projects/tgi-llm`](../tgi-llm) directory of the repository.
```bash copy
# Clone locally
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ritual-net/infernet-container-starter
# Navigate to the repository
cd infernet-container-starter
### Configure the UI Service
You'll need to configure the UI service to point to the `tgi` service. To do this, you'll have to
pass that info as environemnt variables. There exists a [`gradio_ui.env.sample`](./ui/gradio_ui.env.sample)
file in the [`projects/tgi-llm/ui`](./ui)
directory. Simply copy this file to `gradio_ui.env` and set the `TGI_SERVICE_URL` to the address of the `tgi` service.
```bash copy
cd projects/tgi-llm/ui
cp gradio_ui.env.sample gradio_ui.env
Then modify the content of `gradio_ui.env` to look like this:
TGI_SERVICE_URL={your_service_ip}:{your_service_port} # <- replace with your service ip & port
HF_API_TOKEN={huggingface_api_token} # <- replace with your huggingface api token
PROMPT_FILE_PATH=./prompt.txt # <- path to the prompt file
The env vars are as follows:
- `TGI_SERVICE_URL` is the address of the `tgi` service
- `HF_API_TOKEN` is the Huggingface API token. You can get one by signing up at [Huggingface](https://huggingface.co/)
- `PROMPT_FILE_PATH` is the path to the system prompt file. By default it is set to `./prompt.txt`. A simple
`prompt.txt` file is included in the `ui` directory.
### Build the UI service
From the top-level directory of the repository, simply run the following command to build the UI service:
```bash copy
# cd back to the top-level directory
cd ../../..
# build the UI service
make build-service project=tgi-llm service=ui
### Run the UI service
In the same directory, you can also run the following command to run the UI service:
```bash copy
make run-service project=tgi-llm service=ui
By default the service will run on `http://localhost:3001`. You can navigate to this address in your browser to see
the UI.
### Chat with the TGI service!
Congratulations! You can now chat with the TGI service using the gradio UI. You can enter a prompt and see the
response from the TGI service.
Now that we've tested the TGI service, we can move on to setting up the Infernet Node and the `tgi-llm` container.
## Setting up the Infernet Node along with the `tgi-llm` container
You can follow the following steps on your local machine to setup the Infernet Node and the `tgi-llm` container.
The first couple of steps are identical to that of [the previous section](#ensure-docker--foundry-exist). So if you've already completed those
steps, you can skip to [building the tgi-llm container](#build-the-tgi-llm-container).
### Ensure `docker` & `foundry` exist
To check for `docker`, run the following command in your terminal:
```bash copy
docker --version
# Docker version 25.0.2, build 29cf629 (example output)
You'll also need to ensure that docker-compose exists in your terminal:
```bash copy
which docker-compose
# /usr/local/bin/docker-compose (example output)
To check for `foundry`, run the following command in your terminal:
```bash copy
forge --version
# forge 0.2.0 (551bcb5 2024-02-28T07:40:42.782478000Z) (example output)
### Clone the starter repository
Just like our other examples, we're going to clone this repository.
All of the code and instructions for this tutorial can be found in the
directory of the repository.
```bash copy
# Clone locally
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ritual-net/infernet-container-starter
# Navigate to the repository
cd infernet-container-starter
### Configure the `tgi-llm` container
#### Configure the URL for the TGI Service
The `tgi-llm` container needs to know where to find the TGI service that we started in the steps above. To do this,
we need to modify the configuration file for the `tgi-llm` container. We have a sample [config.json](./config.sample.json) file.
Simply navigate to the `projects/tgi-llm` directory and set up the config file:
cd projects/tgi-llm/container
cp config.sample.json config.json
In the `containers` field, you will see the following:
"containers": [
// etc. etc.
"env": {
"TGI_SERVICE_URL": "http://{your_service_ip}:{your_service_port}" // <- replace with your service ip & port
### Build the `tgi-llm` container
Simply run the following command to build the `tgi-llm` container:
```bash copy
make build-container project=tgi-llm
### Deploy the `tgi-llm` container with Infernet
You can run a simple command to deploy the `tgi-llm` container along with bootstrapping the rest of the
Infernet node stack in one go:
```bash copy
make deploy-container project=tgi-llm
### Check the running containers
At this point it makes sense to check the running containers to ensure everything is running as expected.
# > docker container ps
0dbc30f67e1e ritualnetwork/example-tgi-llm-infernet:latest "hypercorn app:creat…" 8 seconds ago Up 7 seconds>3000/tcp tgi-llm
0c5140e0f41b ritualnetwork/infernet-anvil:0.0.0 "anvil --host 0.0.0.…" 23 hours ago Up 23 hours>3000/tcp anvil-node
f5682ec2ad31 ritualnetwork/infernet-node:latest "/app/entrypoint.sh" 23 hours ago Up 9 seconds>4000/tcp deploy-node-1
c1ece27ba112 fluent/fluent-bit:latest "/fluent-bit/bin/flu…" 23 hours ago Up 10 seconds 2020/tcp,>24224/tcp, :::24224->24224/tcp deploy-fluentbit-1
3cccea24a303 redis:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 23 hours ago Up 10 seconds>6379/tcp,
:::6379->6379/tcp deploy-redis-1
You should see five different images running, including the Infernet node and the `tgi-llm` container.
### Send a job request to the `tgi-llm` container
From here, we can make a Web-2 job request to the container by posting a request to the [`api/jobs`](https://docs.ritual.net/infernet/node/api#2a-post-apijobs) endpoint.
```bash copy
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"containers": ["tgi-llm"], "data": {"prompt": "Can shrimp actually fry rice fr?"}}'
# {"id":"7a375a56-0da0-40d8-91e0-6440b3282ed8"}
You will get a job id in response. You can use this id to check the status of the job.
### Check the status of the job
You can make a `GET` request to the [`api/jobs`](https://docs.ritual.net/infernet/node/api#3-get-apijobs) endpoint to check the status of the job.
```bash copy
curl -X GET ""
# [{"id":"7a375a56-0da0-40d8-91e0-6440b3282ed8","result":{"container":"tgi-llm","output":{"data":"\n\n## Can you fry rice in a wok?\n\nThe wok is the"}},"status":"success"}]
Congratulations! You have successfully setup the Infernet Node and the `tgi-llm` container. Now let's move on to
calling our service from a smart contract (a la web3 request).
## Calling our service from a smart contract
In the following steps, we will deploy our [consumer contract](https://github.com/ritual-net/infernet-container-starter/blob/main/projects/tgi-llm/contracts/src/Prompter.sol) and make a subscription request by calling the
### Setup
Ensure that you have followed the steps in the previous section up until [here](#check-the-running-containers) to setup
the Infernet Node and the `tgi-llm` container.
Notice that in [the step above](#check-the-running-containers) we have an Anvil node running on port `8545`.
By default, the [`anvil-node`](https://hub.docker.com/r/ritualnetwork/infernet-anvil) image used deploys the
[Infernet SDK](https://docs.ritual.net/infernet/sdk/introduction) and other relevant contracts for you:
2024-06-06 20:18:48 +03:00
- Coordinator: `0x663F3ad617193148711d28f5334eE4Ed07016602`
- Primary node: `0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8`
### Deploy our `Prompter` smart contract
In this step, we will deploy our [`Prompter.sol`](./contracts/src/Prompter.sol)
to the Anvil node. This contract simply allows us to submit a prompt to the LLM, and receives the result of the
prompt and prints it to the anvil console.
#### Anvil logs
During this process, it is useful to look at the logs of the Anvil node to see what's going on. To follow the logs,
in a new terminal, run:
```bash copy
docker logs -f anvil-node
#### Deploying the contract
Once ready, to deploy the `Prompter` consumer contract, in another terminal, run:
```bash copy
make deploy-contracts project=tgi-llm
You should expect to see similar Anvil logs:
# > make deploy-contracts project=tgi-llm
Transaction: 0x17a9d17cc515d39eef26b6a9427e04ed6f7ce6572d9756c07305c2df78d93ffe
2024-06-06 20:18:48 +03:00
Contract created: 0x13D69Cf7d6CE4218F646B759Dcf334D82c023d8e
Gas used: 731312
Block Number: 1
Block Hash: 0xd17b344af15fc32cd3359e6f2c2724a8d0a0283fc3b44febba78fc99f2f00189
Block Time: "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 18:21:01 +0000"
From our logs, we can see that the `Prompter` contract has been deployed to address
2024-06-06 20:18:48 +03:00
### Call the contract
Now, let's call the contract to with a prompt! In the same terminal, run:
```bash copy
make call-contract project=tgi-llm prompt="What is 2 * 3?"
You should first expect to see an initiation transaction sent to the `Prompter` contract:
Transaction: 0x988b1b251f3b6ad887929a58429291891d026f11392fb9743e9a90f78c7a0801
Gas used: 190922
Block Number: 2
Block Hash: 0x51f3abf62e763f1bd1b0d245a4eab4ced4b18f58bd13645dbbf3a878f1964044
Block Time: "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 18:21:34 +0000"
Shortly after that you should see another transaction submitted from the Infernet Node which is the
result of your on-chain subscription and its associated job request:
_____ _____ _______ _ _ _
| __ \|_ _|__ __| | | | /\ | |
| |__) | | | | | | | | | / \ | |
| _ / | | | | | | | |/ /\ \ | |
| | \ \ _| |_ | | | |__| / ____ \| |____
|_| \_\_____| |_| \____/_/ \_\______|
subscription Id 1
interval 1
redundancy 1
node 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8
2 * 3 = 6
Transaction: 0xdaaf559c2baba212ab218fb268906613ce3be93ba79b37f902ff28c8fe9a1e1a
Gas used: 116153
Block Number: 3
Block Hash: 0x2f26b2b487a4195ff81865b2966eab1508d10642bf525a258200eea432522e24
Block Time: "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 18:21:35 +0000"
We can now confirm that the address of the Infernet Node (see the logged `node` parameter in the Anvil logs above)
matches the address of the node we setup by default for our Infernet Node.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully enabled a contract to have access to a TGI LLM service.