108 lines
3.8 KiB
108 lines
3.8 KiB
import logging
from typing import Any, cast, List
import numpy as np
from eth_abi import decode, encode # type: ignore
from infernet_ml.utils.model_loader import ModelSource
from infernet_ml.utils.service_models import InfernetInput, InfernetInputSource
from infernet_ml.workflows.inference.onnx_inference_workflow import (
from quart import Quart, request
from quart.json.provider import DefaultJSONProvider
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NumpyJsonEncodingProvider(DefaultJSONProvider):
def default(obj: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
# Convert NumPy arrays to list
return obj.tolist()
# fallback to default JSON encoding
return DefaultJSONProvider.default(obj)
def create_app() -> Quart:
Quart.json_provider_class = NumpyJsonEncodingProvider
app = Quart(__name__)
# we are downloading the model from the hub.
# model repo is located at: https://huggingface.co/Ritual-Net/iris-dataset
model_source = ModelSource.HUGGINGFACE_HUB
model_args = {"repo_id": "Ritual-Net/iris-dataset", "filename": "iris.onnx"}
workflow = ONNXInferenceWorkflow(model_source=model_source, model_args=model_args)
def index() -> str:
Utility endpoint to check if the service is running.
return "ONNX Iris Classifier Example Program"
@app.route("/service_output", methods=["POST"])
async def inference() -> dict[str, Any]:
req_data = await request.get_json()
InfernetInput has the format:
source: (0 on-chain, 1 off-chain)
data: dict[str, Any]
infernet_input: InfernetInput = InfernetInput(**req_data)
if infernet_input.source == InfernetInputSource.OFFCHAIN:
web2_input = cast(dict[str, Any], infernet_input.data)
values = cast(List[List[float]], web2_input["input"])
# On-chain requests are sent as a generalized hex-string which we will
# decode to the appropriate format.
web3_input: List[int] = decode(
["uint256[]"], bytes.fromhex(cast(str, infernet_input.data))
values = [[float(v) / 1e6 for v in web3_input]]
The input to the onnx inference workflow needs to conform to ONNX runtime's
input_feed format. For more information refer to:
result: dict[str, Any] = workflow.inference({"input": values})
if infernet_input.source == InfernetInputSource.OFFCHAIN:
In case of an off-chain request, the result is returned as is.
return result
In case of an on-chain request, the result is returned in the format:
"raw_input": str,
"processed_input": str,
"raw_output": str,
"processed_output": str,
"proof": str,
refer to: https://docs.ritual.net/infernet/node/containers for more info.
predictions = cast(List[List[List[float]]], result)
predictions_normalized = [int(p * 1e6) for p in predictions[0][0]]
return {
"raw_input": "",
"processed_input": "",
"raw_output": encode(["uint256[]"], [predictions_normalized]).hex(),
"processed_output": "",
"proof": "",
return app
if __name__ == "__main__":
Utility to run the app locally. For development purposes only.