#!/bin/bash set -e if allorad keys --home=/data/.allorad --keyring-backend test show $NAME > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "allora account: $NAME already imported" else echo "creating allora account: $NAME" output=$(allorad keys add $NAME --home=/data/.allorad --keyring-backend test 2>&1) address=$(echo "$output" | grep 'address:' | sed 's/.*address: //') mnemonic=$(echo "$output" | tail -n 1) # Parse and update the JSON string updated_json=$(echo "$ALLORA_OFFCHAIN_NODE_CONFIG_JSON" | jq --arg name "$NAME" --arg mnemonic "$mnemonic" ' .wallet.addressKeyName = $name | .wallet.addressRestoreMnemonic = $mnemonic ') stringified_json=$(echo "$updated_json" | jq -c .) echo "ALLORA_OFFCHAIN_NODE_CONFIG_JSON='$stringified_json'" > /data/env_file echo ALLORA_OFFCHAIN_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS=$address >> /data/env_file echo "NAME=$NAME" >> /data/env_file echo "Updated ALLORA_OFFCHAIN_NODE_CONFIG_JSON saved to /data/env_file" fi if grep -q "ENV_LOADED=false" /data/env_file; then sed -i 's/ENV_LOADED=false/ENV_LOADED=true/' /data/env_file else echo "ENV_LOADED=true" >> /data/env_file fi